
Unreal 4 (C++ and Blueprint)

Asai Maki - Unreal 4.26.2

Asai Maki is a third-person action game as a proof to demonstrate my skills in gameplay programming in the Unreal engine.

gameplay Implementations

Game Loop
Character Locomotion
character animation MONTAGE
character collision EVENTS
Game Input
Camera System
Combo System
User Interface
Gameplay Ability System (GAS)


collision EVENTS

To be able to detect collisions, characters in the game use the same collision setup. In hands and on feet it was placed box collision componentes to detect collisions against other character meshes. When one character (capsule component) is overlaped by one of these collisions an event is sent to the hit character telling which type of attack is being performed (could be hand or foot animation set) and how much damage it will instigate to the hit character.

But it may arise problems when detecting these collision events. NPC character hand attack overlaps its own capsule component and many times the main character capsule component and it has to be counted as one only collision event. If not, it will cause a problem when assigning behavior for this event (e.g. damage deduction from character life).

One approach to resolve this problem it would be to hold a reference of the character that is being overlaped when one of these colliders triggers these events.

This reference is stored in a actor variable called "Hit Actor" that is going to be passed to the Damage System of the NPC.

Once the NPC Damage System processes the hit event then the Combo Montage (or combo animation) set the Hit Actor to a null reference again so that it does not apply the damage again. It knows exactly when to set the character to null because this is being controlled on the timeline of the animation to be more accurate.

Every animation that makes part of the combo animation has Begin State and End State. The Begin State has the NPC character set to apply the damage and the End State sets null to the hit actor. This image above shows the blueprint when this end state make this operation.

Character Locomotion


Character Physics


Character Controls


Combo System


Camera System


Ability System


UI System